An Empty Space

Shinta Milania Rohmany
1 min readJan 17, 2021


After tons of unfinished writings that just sit comfortably on my draft, I decided to begin my writing on this platform by just typing it directly through the Medium — hoping that I will set aside my insecurity and start on actually making progress.

So hi there!

This is supposed to be an introduction where I actually introduce myself but I guess there aren’t a lot of things you need to know about myself. I am just here trying to fill an empty space in my soul by writing it out so that when I look back, I could actually see how my thoughts, feelings, and life have been going every single day. Yes. Since I don’t have many things to do that could keep me away from my computer, I guess there is no reason why I do not write every day. At least I hope it could be one kind of healing moments and keeping me sane during the pandemic.

Despite my huge courage, I know I have nothing to offer here. I do not write as good as most of people on Medium but at least this is where I start making progress and this is where I found myself better than who I was yesterday.

Hence, welcome to one of edges of my life where I try to fill an empty space of myself.



Shinta Milania Rohmany

Words are beautiful and that's basically why I'm here —and you too.